Web Development For NGO
We have dedicatedly focused on this responsive website design and web development with care for Wec Sakhi, a charitable corporation with social mission and conviction to empower unorganized and downtrodden women for economic, social, legal, political, and spiritual empowerment.

WEC works with women and their rights. Women empowerment means economic, social, legal, political, and spiritual empowerment. Empowering women means empowering India, which leads to a happy, healthy, and prosperous society.

This is a responsive website design and web development for women empowerment organization designed on WordPress and MySQL platforms for the frontend section to make users understand the field of functionalities and services in a better way to engage with them. Scroll down through the attractive navigation pages of web pages.

This is a responsive mobile application designed for both platforms: android and ios. It is a user-friendly mobile application with right navigations to informative pages, services description and gateway to engage simple & easier with less complexity. In this, the app developer has used Javascript and CSS to turn ideation & vision into reality!