Website Development Industrial Equipment
This is a responsive website design and web development for Technology Exchange, expert in conceptualizing, designing and manufacturing of more than 500 different experimental set ups, trainers and cut-sections for various engineering disciplines including Chemical, Civil, Electronics, Mechanical, Electrical, Petroleum, Instrumentation and Environmental Engineering.

Company strongly believes that sustainable industrial development of any society requires engineers and technicians adequately trained in the art of technology, equipped with operational as well as management skills embedded with high standards of ethics and professionalism.

Our Approach
This is a responsive web design and web development for industrial and experimental equipment manufacturer, designed on Bootstrape and MySQL platforms with the use of Laravel technology for the frontend section to make users understand the working, functionality and services in a better way. The products and their specifications are clearly organized for better visuals and understanding.

Mobile Responsive
This is a responsive mobile application designed for both platforms: android and ios. It is a user-friendly mobile application with right navigations to informative pages and product description with less complexity. In this, the app developer has used JavaScript and CSS to make the unique ideation into reality!