Facebook Advertising: Not Your Normal Advertising

Facebook Ads Campaign|Example of Facebook Link Click Ads|Example of Facebook Video Ads|Example of Boosted Page Ads|Example of Multi Products Ads||Example of Facebook lead Ads|Example of Facebook Canvas Ads|Example of Facebook Page like Ads|Example of Facebook Page Post Photo Ads|Example of Facebook Mobile App Ads|Example of Facebook Event Ads|Example of Facebook Offer Claims Ads

Brand recognition is not easy these days; it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Even though you might have created a really insightful piece of content, it can be hard to reach the target audience, especially in the beginning, where no one knows you or your brand.

Social media is one of the most effective communication and advertising channels. But marking your presence among the already established is not easy. Also the competition is increasing day by day. But thanks to the social media ads, one can promote their business easily and effectively.

Highly targeted ads on social media can help you reach exactly the people who care about your content. The ability to target potential readers and customers based on demographic data, behaviors, and very specific interests is the biggest strength of social media ads.

But social ads are just not limited to promoting content, they are also a great way to advertise brand and products, drive traffic to your website or online shop, or collect contact information for your email campaigns.

Why should one invest in Facebook ads?

  1. Facebook has over 1.85 billion users and still growing. Most users check their Facebook page multiple times a day. Regardless of who your customers are, they are using Facebook.
  2. Small business need not have a website, which obviously would cost more money to develop, host and maintain. Instead a Facebook page for any business can be created free of cost and any kind of content can be shared. Through the creation of Facebook pages, business can interact directly with their customers allowing them to place emphasis on brand imaging and increasing customer loyalty.
  3. Facebook advertising is budget friendly. You are in control of your density. You can set a daily or lifetime budget. You can easily increase or decrease it at any time.
  4. Facebook insights allow one to understand how their customers are engaging with not only their page but their ads as well. Insight metrics such as page performance, engagement, audience demographics, impressions and reach facilitate strategizing for ad campaigns and ad spends.
  5. Facebook offers different ad types based on different pay structure. Advertising on facebook can be relatively inexpensive allowing an online ad campaign to reach its target market in an affordable manner.

What objectives can I meet with my Facebook ads?

  1. Facebook is much more targeted than you might realize. One can target audience by demographics, location, connections, age, interests, behavior and custom. Hence if you know your target audience, showing your ads to relevant customers becomes easy. Also Facebook offers multiple platforms for marketing in the form of pages, groups and ads.
  2. Through suitable links on your ads, Facebook users can be guided to your website and hence increase website traffic. On reaching your landing page, the visitor can be exposed to more direct marketing pitch in the form of call to action or asking them to view the product or service that your are offering.
  3. You can optimize your ads based on what specific objective your campaign has. Generally Facebook distinguishes 3 different kinds of objectives:
  • Raising awareness – This includes campaigns to raise brand awareness, local awareness and to maximize reach.
  • Consideration – These are ads that drive traffic to your website, boost the engagement of your posts, increase app downloads or video views and help you collect customer data to use in follow-up campaigns.
  • Conversion – These are the ads that increase the conversion on your website or online shop, advertise specific product or brand to users who have interacted with your shop before or get people to visit your local store.

Types of Facebook ads:

1. Link click ads:  This type of ad helps to promote your website and send people to landing page or blogs. These types of ads have the advantage of generating likes for your page.

Example of Facebook Link Click Ads

Example of Facebook Link Click Ads

2. Video Ads
Video ads are just another form of link click ads – the only difference – instead of a still image; your ad is featuring a video.

Example of Facebook Video Ads

Example of Facebook Video Ads

3. Boosted page post
Every time you post something on Facebook page, Facebook gives you chance to increase your posts reach by giving boost option. By clicking on boost post, you can set up the target audience and bidding methods and promote your page across Facebook’s advertising network.

Example of Boosted Page Ads

Example of Boosted Page Ads

4. Multi product
The multi product (aka carousel ad) format, extremely useful for ecommerce advertisers, lets you display up to 10 images/videos or call to action in a single unit.

Example of Multi Products Ads

Example of Multi Products Ads

5. Dynamic product ads
This ads target users based on past actions on your website or application with a perfectly timed ads.

Example of Facebook Dynamic Products Ads

6.Facebook lead ads
Lead ads are the perfect way for getting new leads. It allows people to download content or sign up for offer without leaving Facebook.

Example of Facebook lead Ads

Example of Facebook lead Ads

7. Canvas ads
It is an interactive ad that lets user engage with your content on Facebook and is currently available only on mobile.

Example of Facebook Canvas Ads

Example of Facebook Canvas Ads

8. Page like ads
Page like ads are the go-to ads for increasing the page likes.

Example of Facebook Page like Ads

Example of Facebook Page like Ads

9. Page post photo ads
Similar to page like ads but has most space to show pictures.

Example of Facebook Page Post Photo Ads

Example of Facebook Page Post Photo Ads

10. Mobile App Ads 
These types of ads are the perfect choice to drive more installs to your mobile apps. This ad is displayed only on mobile news feed.

Example of Facebook Mobile App Ads

Example of Facebook Mobile App Ads

11. Event ads
Event ads are a great way for event organizers to attract more visitors.

Example of Facebook Event Ads

Example of Facebook Event Ads

12.Offer claims
This type of ad is perfect for store owners who want to attract more people to their stores. Once your offer ad is live, any user who clicks on your ad and redeems the offer will receive an email containing the details and terms of use.

Example of Facebook Offer Claims Ads

Example of Facebook Offer Claims Ads

The benefits of Facebook advertising are endless. You can double, triple or quadruple your business growth with Facebook advertising. It is cheaper than almost every alternative source of advertising. The targeting options are precise and the results are fast.

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