How video marketing can promote your business

video marketing||digital video marketing

Humans, as they say, are visual creatures. We are always attracted towards moving, colorful images. Users are drawn to the videos like a moth drawn to a flame!

YouTube is now second largest search engine. According to a survey by think with google, before visiting a store, 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service.

Video marketing is not going to slow down and most business believes that it brings good ROI. Even social media giant like Facebook constantly updates it’s video algorithm to improve the users’ news feed experience. This clearly shows that it is totally worth for a business to invest in video marketing.

You are writing blog post for your business, sure, great! But given a chance to choose between written content and video; what would be your choice? No brainer that one would prefer watching video any time over reading long, lengthy blogs.

But this doesn’t mean blogs do no good to your business. It simply means that telling a story is better than writing one.

Brand awareness

You don’t want your business to get lost in the deep ocean; rather stand out. And brand awareness videos are one of the best way to increase your customer base. Make educational, explanatory videos – show your customers who you are, what you do, what are your core values.

In this way, you can leave a mark on your customers and help them remember your name.

Bring testimonials to life

Normally testimonials are included in website in written form. But you can do something creative by incorporating it in video form. Video testimonials sell! You can interview your customers, asking for reviews about the services offered.  This helps to build up trust factor in potential customers.

A video about your past or current customers talking about how satisfied and happy they are after using your services or products is definitely a win for you.

Trust in your brand

Suppose that you are looking to buy shampoo. It is but obvious that your first preference will be a brand that you had previous experience with or a brand that you might have already heard of.

But suppose that you come across a new brand. You check about them and discover that they have a lot of informative videos about how to improve your hair texture, what kind of shampoo is suitable for a particular hair type etc. You find useful information, which, automatically build a level of trust in that company’s product. This helps to persuade people to buy your products and also establish yourself as an expert in the market.

Convey information efficiently

You may right lots of blogs and articles, your website may contain all the useful information, but let’s face it, how many people actually read everything that you’ve written? The number is not that large.

But if the same information is provided in the form of video, it is a lot easy to digest. On an average, people spend 2.6 times more time on pages with video than without (wistia).  It also has a huge impact in making purchase decision, 80% of consumers agreed to that.

Good demonstration about product/service

Just like mentioned in above scenario, when you are trying to find out more about the company or product or service, sometimes, words can’t do enough justice. With video, in a few seconds you can grab the attention of your potential customers.  Consumers who view demo videos are 1.81 times more likely to purchase than non-viewers (DMB adobe). Can you explain your business through words? Sure, but more effectively than a video? Certainly not.

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